One-to-One Newborn Photography Mentorship Program

With over a decate of experience as a successful newborn photographer, as well a passion for teaching, I am excited to now be offering my expertise to others wanting to specialize in newborn photogrpahy.


Ther are 3 parts to my mentorship program, for a total of 9+ hours of one-to-one training. Dates are scheduled based on availability at time of booking.


Full day workshops ca sometimes be overwhelming and challenging to reatin all the information that is given. By offering this program in 3 parts, participants will have the opportunity to practice and integrate all that is being taught.


Investment: $1200 plus HST


Within this program you will learn...


*How to use studio lighting and natural light

*How to prep and design your studio space

*Newborn saftey

*Soothing Techniques

*Newborn posing and wrapping

*How to incorporate parents and sibilings

*Camera angles

*Editing and creating composites

*Business management and client relations

*As well as other tricks and tips of the trade


Requirements: Must have a DSLR camera and be able to shoot in Manual Mode


all rights reserved

Kim Mlekuz Photography